More than just cleaning, we solve simple but expensive problems!

If someone is cleaning or “managing” your Phoenix AirBNB or VRBO property they probably don’t do much except clean and go, right?

AirMGMT does far more than this to make our customers happy, your customers happy and save you stress and money.

Here are some very common examples:

Le Vase Brisé (The Broken Vase) - The On Being Project
“I swear, it was like that when I checked in!”

Something is Missing Or Broken

This is a sad but painful reality of running an AIRBNB: things will get broken or go missing. Because we photograph your entire vacation rental during our initial inspection and compare the photos when we come turnover your rental, we’ll know if someone is wrong and document it so that you can easily seek recompense from AirBNB. If you’re taking advantage of our Handle It All service, we will file this report with AirBNB using techniques and strategies that we know will return 100% + your lost or damaged amount.

Why Is Your Bathroom Sink Clogged? | Order A Plumber

The Sink/ Toilet/ Shower /Tub is Clogged (Light Plumbing Work)

Remember we started this business because we were fed up with lazy rushed cleaners and useless property managers who didn’t actually know how to manage anything except a invoice book!

Since we couldn’t find a suitable solution to manage our vacation rentals, we made our own.

A plumber DOES NOT need to be called for a simple clog! We have some basic tools to fix these and other household problems, at no additional charge, in fact you’ll never even know it happened! Once again, saving you money and stress is our #1 goal.

How Dirty Are Our Mattresses and Bed Sheets? | SleepGuru

Sheets or Carpet are badly soiled

We carry products and tools to solve these problems as well. In additon to carrying extra high quality reasonably priced sheets for all bed sizes (see our price list) we also carry tools and solutions to try to fix the problem ourselves first.

And if the carpets or furniture need professional cleaning, we don’t just open the phone book and call someone random, we have relationships with the best trusted contacts in all areas of home repair and we are able to negotiate very significant discounts. For instance if someone wore muddy shoes through your entire 3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom home you might be looking at $150 to shampoo and stain treat the carpets, we pay (and bill you) about $100.

Pools Jacuzzis BBQs etc!

While we don’t personally service these (we have partners who do) we can solve minor problems and also know when we see an obvious problem. When we had a “cleaner” managing our vacation rental we would sometimes have guests arrive saying there was a large palm branch floating in the pool, when we asked the cleaner she replied “I dont clean pools”. AirMGMT is your partner in hosting your vacation rental, while we always accept gratuities for going above and beyond, we’re here to help you and your guests.

Want more information about managing your Phoenix vacation rental (or anywhere else in Arizona)? Reach out to us now!

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